Saturday 14 September 2013

Montreal Housing Bubble / Bulle Immobiliere Montreal


"Nearly 29 per cent of Greater Montreal condos are occupied by tenants, a higher rate than in Canada's two hottest real estate markets, Vancouver and Toronto, according to the 2011 National Household Survey."

"On the ground, we're seeing a lot of (condos being used as) rentals," said broker Raymond Singh, who's sold multiple units in the towers surrounding the Bell Centre, which have largely attracted investors. "

"Bindu Patel, president of the Montreal real estate agency Groupe Agents Élite, said about 60 per cent of her customers are investors who are looking to buy and rent properties."

As I shown in a previous post, it is becoming very difficult to be cash flow positive by renting your property.

So why investors are buying properties???

  1. To flip it and make a short term profit on the sale. Be careful with speculation (see the link section)
  2. If #1 fail (seller can't sale his property for the price he wants), it goes on the rental market.
  3. If #1 and #2 fail, the selling and renting price is cut.

Speculators are everywhere; worse than Vancouver and Toronto!

On the graph, we are at "Return to normal" phase -> Next, it is the "Fear" phase.

Prepare you Pepsi and your popcorn, it is going to be an interesting movie.

Is Montreal immune to an housing bubble??? The answer is obvious.

For those in Denial or in their "bubble", remember what happen in the past.

"A Toronto tax lawyer is warning realtors — and people who’ve bought and sold new condos over the past seven years — that they could become unwitting victims of what he calls “abusive audit practices” by the Canada Revenue Agency."

Canadians vulnerable amid fat debts

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Montreal Housing Bubble / Bulle Immobiliere Montreal



Have you realized that governments/municipalities are always raising tax year after year? Not only the governments/municipalities are raising the tax, they raise it more than the inflation level that should be ~2%/year. 

Is you salary raising at the same pace as tax ?? Probably no, for most of us.

Governments/municipalities failed to cut their expense and now it is up tp you to pay the bill.

Municipalités (2012)
Rentes promises?: 24,4 milliards
Sommes manquantes?: 4,8 milliards
Gouvernement du Québec (2011)
Rentes promises?: 75 milliards
Sommes manquantes?: 29 milliards (17 % de la dette du Québec)
Gouvernement du Canada (2011)
Rentes promises?: 213 milliards
Sommes manquantes?: 146 milliards (18 % de la dette du Canada)

Will this trend change in a near future : NO !

When you buy a property how much tax are you going to pay???

Let's list some:

- Bienvenue tax (property transfer) :

-School tax : 0,20460 $/ by 100 $ evaluation

Lets take an example for a 350 000$ property :
  • Bienvenue tax (1 time only) = 3750$
  • School tax : (3500000 * .20460) / 100 = 716.1$/y
  • Municipal tax (saint-laurent) :  (3500000 * .7139) / 100 = 2498.65$/y
1st year : 6964.75$/year
2nd, 3rd,etc year : 3114.75$/year

And this is the best case scenario that tax will not increase which is very unlikely. 

"Selon Mme Malavoy, le gouvernement souhaitait que les commissions scolaires ne haussent leurs taxes que dans les cas où elles seraient incapables de réduire leurs dépenses, d'augmenter leurs revenus autres que fiscaux ou encore de piger dans leurs surplus."

"Combien ça nous coûte, c'est OSTIE de TABERNAC de retraite dorée ?"

"L'argent ne pousse pas dans les arbres québécois: en termes de revenus, le Québec traîne de la patte par rapport aux autres provinces. Son revenu familial médian n'est que de 68 000 $ alors qu'il est de 76 000 $ en moyenne au Canada en 2010, révèlent les derniers chiffres de l'Enquête nationale auprès des ménages de Statistique Canada."

"Pour le secteur résidentiel montréalais dans l'ensemble,la hausse moyenne est de 21,2%; mais sur le Plateau Mont-Royal, elle atteint pas moins de 26,4%."

"29% des condos loués à Montréal? Going for #1 soon in Canada?"

"Buyer Market"